Keep your head high

Saturday, 25 February 2012

I tried to reach out to my mum today. I reached out. It didnt work. She ended up mocking my Christian believes and who I am. I had to install a message blocker to keep her taunting words out of my phone.

I feel lonely. I guess that's why I enjoy busy uni life so much. I dont have time to think about being alone or whatever. I like the midterms, and studying hard. But today I get to rest... and I'm restless instead. Bie is very busy at the moment. I feel sorta bad disturbing him. I've been declining hanging out invitations all week... even today. I'm just so used to being by myself nowadays. I have more time for my uni work, my studies, and important things like tests, catching up, administrative work and also my boyfriend.

I just wish I could talk to mum the way others do with theirs.

I should go to bed. And dream of wonderful things. 


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