
Tuesday, 21 February 2012

On monday, I learnt about transposons. To put it simply, they are part of your DNA that love to migrate from one part of the other, copy and paste themselves anywhere they are inclined to, and are almost always inactivated because of their 'evil' tendencies. Let loose, they cause problems, like diseases and other awful things. Which sorta led me to think... That's what we are. Well, that's what I am. I dont think holy all the time. In fact most of the time my mind is in a twisted place. I have evil tendencies. But guess what? Transposons are quietened down by methylation. Basically, in lay-mans term, 'bodyguards' go and attach themselves to these transposons, and shut them up. So even if they are still there... they cant do jackshit. I think, when Jesus died for us, his blood, became the part that methylated out evil tendencies, and our 'bad parts'. It quietened them. I dunno. It's random. But I do know that without God, without knowing Him, without he presence and sometimes, fear of him in my life... I would be acting out these evil tendencies... Without God, if I had to choose good and bad, I wouldnt even skip a beat choosing the bad side. But He keeps me in check. My 'transposons' are silent. 


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